The moment you've been waiting for...
The cost of Title 5 inspection varies from around $400 on the low end to possibly more than $1000 depending on the specifics of the property and system. The more information you provide via email or over the phone the more accurate pricing we can give you before coming onsite.
Biggest cost factors
These factors will determine the price range for your system inspection. Call or email us and we can give you a more detailed estimate.
Does your system have to be pumped?
If your system is a cesspool, pumping is mandatory. Otherwise, if you need to or would like to get your system pumped it usually costs around $300-$600 depending on volume.
Are the tank/distribution box buried more than 3' beneath the ground surface?
Digging up to 3' is covered in the cost of a Title 5 inspection, but if we cannot locate the system components, use of an excavator may be necessary.
Is your system located within 100' of a private well?
If your system is located within 100' of a private well on your property or on a neighbors property, then a well water test is required. This generally costs at least $125 and can be more depending on what your town requires.
Are there additional components to inspect?
If your house has a laundry waste system, this will require a separate inspection form. If your system has an alternative/innovative technology such as a sand filter or aerobic system this could lead to additional costs.
Phone Number: 351-201-2210
North Reading, MA 01864